Thursday, September 20, 2007

Religion of Buddhism

The religion of about one eight of the world's population is Buddhism. Buddhism is the fourth largest religion in the world. The Buddha, whose name was Siddhartha Gautama, lived 2,500 years ago in Northern India. He is also known as the Lord Budha (one who has awakened).

Buddhism later died out in India, but had become well known in Sri Lanka. From there, it expanded across Asia, evolving into 2 main forms:

  1. Theravada Buddhism is also called Southern Buddhism. It's spreaded mostly in Thailand, Burma, Cambodia and Laos.
  2. Mahayana Buddhism is also called Northern Buddhism. It's largely found in China, Japan, Korea, Tibet and Mongolia.
To these might be added:
  1. Vajrayana Buddhism. Some consider this to be a part of Mahayana Buddhism; others opinion it as a third Buddhist path.
  2. Tibetan Buddhism. This developed largely in isolation from Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism because of the isolated of Tibet.
  3. Zen Buddhism. This developed from within the Chinese Mahayana School known as Chan. Zen Buddhism is more and more popular in the West.
There are now dozens of different schools of Buddhist philosophy throughout Asia. The religion is known in the east as the Buddha-Dharma.

Other information:

  1. The birth, enlightenment and parinirvana (death with no rebirth) took place on the day of the full moon during the month of May. This has been declared Buddha Day by the United Nations.
  2. As of 2006-May, Buddha's parinirvana was 2550 years ago.
Buddha's teaching:

The four noble truths are:

  1. There is suffering.
  2. There is cause for suffering.
  3. There is end of suffering.
  4. There is path leading to the end of suffering.
One does not have to read the Tripitaka from beginning to end to understand the four noble truths. Each chapter is a sutra (synopsis), which Buddha would have used to explain the same four noble truths to his audiences under different conditions.

Achievement of enlightenment:

  • Goal: To achieve final liberation called Nibbana.

  • Instruments: Mind and Body (Nama Rupa).

  • Procedure: Follow the Noble eight-fold path is divided into 3 qualities :
  1. Wisdom (pana): Right View and Right Thought.
  2. Morality (sila): Right Speech, Right Action and Right Livelihood.
  3. Meditation (samadhi): Right Effort, Right Mindfulness and Right Concentration.
Since the 19th century:

  • Modern Buddhism has came out as a truly international movement. It started as an effort to produce a single form of Buddhism, without local increases, that all Buddhists could hug.
Symbols of Buddhism:

  1. Mandala

  2. Wheel of Life

  3. Mantra

  4. Chorten

  5. Hand Prayer Wheel

  6. Prayer Bids (27 bids)

  7. The "Lotus Flower" On Earth
I choose 2 of symbols Buddhism like one below this because I hope people have love to other people so there's a peace in the world.

Wheel of Dharma:
Wheel of Dharma means that people can live in peace and harmony. And people will have a successful future.


Mandala is classical Indian Languange of Sanskirit. And it's also symbol of Buddhism.


  • Buddhism developed in India and spread into central Asia.

  • Siddhartha Gautama became known as Budha, meaning Enlightened One.

  • All Buddhist have faith in:
  1. Buddha.

  2. His teachings, called the dharma.

  3. The religious community he founded, called the sangha. Buddhist call Buddha, the dharma, and the sangha the Three Refuges or Three Jewels.
  1., accessed on 14/9/07.

  2., accessed on 14/9/07.

  3., accessed on 18/9/07.

  4. World Book Inc., (2006), World Book Encyclopedia B 2 "Buddhism", accessed on 18/9/07.

  5. World Book Inc., (2006), World Book Encyclopedia Q-R 16 "Religion", accessed on 19/9/07.


amandakad said...

I, Amanda have read your Religion Report and you have the following rating:
The introductory paragraph - Well done!
An explanation about the religion -Good work!
The history of the religion -Good work!
Religious symbols - Well done!
Conclusion - Editing required!
Bibliography - Good effort!
Your Religious Symbols are so colourful!!!

Jane Ross said...

Well done Andrew. You have used good resources and written your report clearly. Good job!

Jane Ross said...

Your score is:
Knowledge - (8 points)
Spelling - (2 points)
Punctuation - (5 points)
Report writing with introductory and conclusion – (5 points)
Relevant pictures with religious symbols and map – (5 points)
Bibliography in alphabetical order – you didn’t follow our bibliography system of author (year) Title URL date accessed - (3 points)
Total: 28/30
This is an excellent report Andrew!